lunedì 31 luglio 2017

How do I love thee? / Come ti Amo? by Elizabeth Browning Barrett

[English Version]

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways./I love thee to the depth and breadth and height/My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight/For the ends of being and ideal grace./I love thee to the level of every day’s/Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light./I love thee freely, as men strive for right./I love thee purely, as they turn from praise./I love thee with the passion put to use/In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith./I love thee with a love I seemed to lose/With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,/Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,/I shall but love thee better after death./

giovedì 27 luglio 2017

Last Days: Da Caravaggio a Bernini. Capolavori del Seicento italiano nelle collezioni reali di Spagna.

Hi guys, in Rome, still for a short time (until July 30, 2017) it will be possible to visit one of the most spectacular exhibitions on painters of the sixteenth century, there are also some sculptures and some works not made on canvas. The exhibition is called Da Caravaggio a Bernini. Capolavori del Seicento italiano nelle collezioni reali di Spagna. 

lunedì 24 luglio 2017

Museo Nazionale Etrusco/National Etruscan Museum

Hi guys, today we want to tell you about the extraordinary National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia.
The building dates back to the Renaissance and it was the residence of Pope Julius III.
The decorative structure of the villa was enriched by frescoes, only partially preserved, by Pietro Venale from Imola, by Taddeo Zuccari, and by Prospero Fontana.

sabato 22 luglio 2017

L'ultimo Fiore che ho in me, di Alexandre Zappalà

Salva ragazzi, oggi voglio parlarvi di un libro che mi è capitato per le mani per caso, un fortunato caso aggiungerei.
Il libro in questione si chiama "L'ultimo fiore che ho in me" di Alexandre Zappalà.
Piccola premessa, non l'ho letto ancora tutto, ma già dai primi capitoli non sembra niente male.
Da quello che ho potuto constatare è che le vicende della trama si svolgono in tempi abbastanza recenti, fra Mosca e Parigi.

I primi capitoli ti prendono molto, probabilmente per la bravura dello scrittore a descrivere stati d'animo dei personaggi in modo molto profondo, il suo modo di esprimersi non si sofferma soltanto sullo stato "mentale" dei personaggi, ma trascende fino alla sfera fisica. 
Mi sento di consigliarlo perché è scritto in modo chiaro e segue un filo logico, con piccole analessi nella storia che ci aiutano a capire e a costruire i personaggi a trecentosessanta gradi. 
Insomma, se vi capita di leggerlo fatelo, non ve ne pentirete. Rientra sicuramente fra le mie letture estive. 
Buona lettura! 

mercoledì 19 luglio 2017

La Svastica sul sole/The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick

Hi Guys, today I want to tell you about a very interesting book, Philip K. Dick's "The Man in the High Castle"
A work that, through the use of an ucronic (alternative history), builds an ambience full of historical references and characters that intertwine and create the right representation  of the world  they live in.
The story is particular, in North America where there are five characters who live their lives in a world where the Nazis and the Japanese have won the war.

giovedì 13 luglio 2017

What the Use of title/Che te ne fai di un titolo by C. Bukowski

Hi guys, today I want to tell you about a poem that I loved from the first moment. I discovered it by accident, I heard its interpretation on a youtube video. The poem in question is "What the Use of a Title" by Charles Bukowski.
I love when poetry does not crystallize only on the pages of the book but it is read aloud.

giovedì 6 luglio 2017

Dubliners/Gente di Dublino by J. Joyce

Hi guys, Today I speak to you about one of James Joyce's most important works. The book in question is "Dubliners." The book is a collection of short stories, as one can easily guess from the name, the book tells the story of the inhabitants of the Irish capital.

mercoledì 5 luglio 2017

My Father's Rifle/Il fucile di mio padre by Hiner Saleem

Hi Guys, today I want to tell you about a book really shocking to me. Narration is so beautiful that seem to trascend literary technique to arrive in cinemas. It really deserves attention, it is called "My Father's Rifle: A Childhood in Kurdistan" by Hiner Saleem.
It is the story of the boy Azad Shero Selim and his family. This young Kurd lived in Iraqi Kurdistan during Saddam Hussein's escalation, between 70s and 90s and his life is shared between school, social repression, friends, war, family and violence.

lunedì 3 luglio 2017

Asleep/Sonno profondo by Banana Yoshimoto

Hi Guys, today I want to talk about a very interesting book: "Asleep" by Banana Yoshimoto
Previously, I told you that I would have spoken again of B. Yoshimoto (click here), now we analyze this book.
This work is very particular, it tells the stories of three women who are in a state of "morbid stillness", waiting for something to blow them up, they are paralyzed, immobilized in their own lives that do not satisfy them.