Hi guys! This is my personal page, I'm an Italian guy, (... so I'm sorry for my English), art lover. If you want to know something about me and my favourite books, exhibitions,or some events in Rome you are welcome! What I want to do with this little blog is to give readers or art enthusiasts of all around the world a small place to find new ideas. Leave your comments because I'm curious about your thinkings. Enjoy the read!
venerdì 30 giugno 2017
Zaina, figlia delle palme e altre fiabe giordane
Salve ragazzi, oggi volevo parlarvi di un bellissimo libro di fiabe illustrato.
Il libro in questione si chiama Zaina, figlia delle palme e altre fiabe giordane, di Sofia Gallo e Barakat Rabie. Particolarità di questa raccolta: è il testo in lingua araba a fronte e le bellissime illustrazioni di Elena Cannas.
martedì 27 giugno 2017
Lungo il Tevere
Hi guys, until August 27, 2017, if you are in Rome do not miss "Lungo il Tevere".
A beautiful initiative of the capital, you can find a stand where you can enjoy a cold beer accompanied by a good meal, drink and cocktails and listen to some music.
A beautiful initiative of the capital, you can find a stand where you can enjoy a cold beer accompanied by a good meal, drink and cocktails and listen to some music.
lunedì 26 giugno 2017
Go go set a Watchman/Va', metti una sentinella by Nelle Harper Lee
Hi guys, today I want to talk about a book that I read few days ago: "Go go set a Watchman" by Harper Lee. This is the first book by the famous writer best known for his masterpiece "To Kill a Mockingbird".
This book tells about events following Jean Louise Finch's return from New York to her native town in Alabama for summer holidays. In particular, he tells how the young woman takes notice of what that place really is, where she grew up and to what she is so attached.
This book tells about events following Jean Louise Finch's return from New York to her native town in Alabama for summer holidays. In particular, he tells how the young woman takes notice of what that place really is, where she grew up and to what she is so attached.
venerdì 23 giugno 2017
Les Phares, by C. Baudelaire
Hi guys, today I accidentally found my "old" Charles Baudelaire poetry book. I'm leafing and re-reading it. I decided to publish one poem that tells about the love for art, or at least the knowledge of the author in this argument, and in particular he wants to tell us how this guides us, or illuminates the way.
giovedì 22 giugno 2017
O Captain! My Captain!, by Walter Whitman
Hi guys, today I want to tell you about the most famuos Walter Whitman's poem: O captain, my captain.
I found this poem in the collection of poems I've made you see here.
It is the famous poetry of the film The Dead Poets Society, with Robbie Williams.
mercoledì 21 giugno 2017
N.P., by Banana Yoshimoto
Hi guys, today I want to talk about a very nice and intriguing book, N.P. by Banana Yoshimoto.
The book tells the story of a writer Sarao Takase who writes a book of 100 stories titled N.P., but before publishing the work, Takase dies suicide by writing only 97 stories.
The story tells the events of two twin sisters, a girl named Kazami and her boyfriend, who also died suicide by working on the book of Takase. It seems that around this novel lies a kind of "malediction".
martedì 20 giugno 2017
Festival of music
The "festival of music" is at its 32nd edition! Rome could not miss the event, so if you are in the capital don't miss it!
If/Se by J. R. Kipling
And—which is more—you'll be a Man, my son! |
If: it's the name of Joseph Ruyard Kippling's poem. I found this poem in the collection of poems I've made you see in the in the previous articles. Click here for the link.
I think it is really cute, once I read it I wanted to know something more about Kipling and his work, so I looked for it online and I found out that it's part of the book "Rewards and Fairies".Se, è il nome della poesia di Joseph Ruyard Kiplling ho trovato questa poesia in quella raccolta di poesie che vi ho fatto vedere nei precedenti post. Clicca qui per il link
L'ho trovata veramente carina, mi ha fatto venire voglia di saperne qualcosa in più riguardo l'autore e la sua opera, così cercando su internet ho scoperto che fa parte del libro "Ricompense e Fate" ("Rewards and Fairies").
lunedì 19 giugno 2017
Men in the sun/Uomini sotto il Sole
Hi guys, today I want to tell you about a beautiful and touching book that I read some months ago.
"Men in the Sun" is the Ghassan Kanafani work's title.
It's a heartbreaking story of Abu Qais, Asad and Marwàn, escaped from the Palestinian refugee camps across the Iraqi desert to arrive in Kuwait, hoping to find a better future.
"Men in the Sun" is the Ghassan Kanafani work's title.
It's a heartbreaking story of Abu Qais, Asad and Marwàn, escaped from the Palestinian refugee camps across the Iraqi desert to arrive in Kuwait, hoping to find a better future.
venerdì 16 giugno 2017
Letti di notte/Read at night
Domani, 17 giugno 2017 si svolgerà in molte città della nostra penisola un bellissimo ed interessantissimo evento.
"Letti di notte", una notte bianca volta all'insegna del libro, se siete nella capitale ci sono varie location che potrebbero interessarvi. L'evento quest'anno avrà come tema Sogni e sognatori.
How Art will Save Humanity
How Art will Save Humanity.
Art saves us from the banality of everyday grey, art is the instrument capable of melting our convictions, like fire with wax.
We live with our feet firmly welded to the ground and look at our small and insignificant world. We don't see, for a variety range of factors, as everythings is nothing.
What makes us different from animals beyond our ability to kill us massively? Art.
giovedì 15 giugno 2017
Collection of poems. Morphine/Morfina by Jules Verne.
Hi Readers! What you see on the left is a collection of poems. There are various artists: French, Greek, Latin, American, English, Spanish, etc. I would try to post you every time I can a poem I appreciated.Salve Lettori! Quello che vedete a sinistra è una raccolta di poesie. Ci sono vari artisti, francesi, greci, latini, americani, inglesi, spagnoli ecc. Vorrei provare a postarvi ogni volta che posso una poesia che ho apprezzato.
Today, in particular, I happened to find by chance a poem by Jules Verne, honestly I did not know he did poetry, if we think of Jules Verne, immediately comes us to mind his adventure books.
However, in this poem he tried another type of journey, given by the pleasure of morphine.Oggi, in particolare, mi è capitato di trovare per caso una poesia di Jules Verne, onestamente non sapevo che facesse poesia, se pensiamo a Verne subito ci viene in mente i suoi libri di avventura.
Invece, in questa poesia prova un altro tipo di viaggio, quello dato dal piacere della morfina.
mercoledì 14 giugno 2017
Heroes by Baselitz, painting in Rome
Hi guys, I want to talk to you about a beautiful show in Rome that will close in a few days and I think it is wonderful.
If you, like me, are not experts in painting don't worry, Baselitz, in his exhibition at Palazzo dei Congressi, Heroes, describes the fragility of his characters, tendentially soldiers, shepherds, rebels, all associated with a sense of malaise, weakness and fragility that the author is able to exaggerate through the great dimensions of paintings and the use of colors.
Italian Fairy Tales/Fiabe Italiane by Italo Calvino
PAGINE : 876...
Hi guys, today I want to talk about a book which came to my mind after receiving a work on some Jordanian fairy tales. The book I'm going to tell you today is "Fiabe Italiane" (Italian Fairy tales) by Italo Calvino.
Oggi volevo parlarvi di un libro che mi è tornato in mente dopo aver ricevuto un'opera su alcune fiabe giordane. Il libro che vado a raccontarvi oggi si intitola "Fiabe Italiane" di Italo Calvino.
Many of you will know this author. Writer and partisan are just some attributes that are not enough to describe this man. Just read a few passages extracted from his books to understand the greatness of the man and the refined taste of the writer.
Molti di voi già conosceranno questo autore. Scrittore e partigiano sono solo alcuni attributi che non bastano certamente a descrivere il personaggio. Basta leggere qualche brano estratto dai suoi libri per capire la grandezza del personaggio e del raffinato gusto dello scrittore.
Premise: The book I have is the first volume of an old edition, but it is interesting the introduction of the writer because thanks to this introduction we can understand the will of the writer in the literary, and artistic research of that time; we can see the comparison with foreign authors in the same years they were also collecting the fairy tales of their patriots, and appreciate the work of collecting and Italianization by Italo Calvino, which makes us fully perceive the message.
Premessa: il libro che ho io è il primo volume di un edizione abbastanza vecchiotta, ma è interessante l'introduzione dello scrittore, perché grazie a questa possiamo comprendere la volontà dello scrittore nella ricerca letteraria, artistica di quel tempo; possiamo notare il confronto con gli autori esteri che negli stessi anni stavano raccogliendo anch'essi le fiabe delle proprie patrie, ed apprezzare il lavoro di raccolta e italianizzazione di Italo Calvino che ci consente di percepirne a pieno il messaggio.
Molti di voi già conosceranno questo autore. Scrittore e partigiano sono solo alcuni attributi che non bastano certamente a descrivere il personaggio. Basta leggere qualche brano estratto dai suoi libri per capire la grandezza del personaggio e del raffinato gusto dello scrittore.
Premise: The book I have is the first volume of an old edition, but it is interesting the introduction of the writer because thanks to this introduction we can understand the will of the writer in the literary, and artistic research of that time; we can see the comparison with foreign authors in the same years they were also collecting the fairy tales of their patriots, and appreciate the work of collecting and Italianization by Italo Calvino, which makes us fully perceive the message.
Premessa: il libro che ho io è il primo volume di un edizione abbastanza vecchiotta, ma è interessante l'introduzione dello scrittore, perché grazie a questa possiamo comprendere la volontà dello scrittore nella ricerca letteraria, artistica di quel tempo; possiamo notare il confronto con gli autori esteri che negli stessi anni stavano raccogliendo anch'essi le fiabe delle proprie patrie, ed apprezzare il lavoro di raccolta e italianizzazione di Italo Calvino che ci consente di percepirne a pieno il messaggio.
Why should you read this work? Because "Italian Fairy Tales" is not just a collection of fairy tales to read to the children for the good night, Calvino gives voice to ancient folk fairy tales of Italy, from north to south, at the end of each one is marked the place where the Fairy Tales were "collected".
Perché dovreste leggere quest'opera? Perché Fiabe Italiane non è solo una raccolta di fiabe da leggere ai bambini per la buona notte, Calvino da voce ad antiche fiabe popolari dell'Italia, da nord a sud, alla fine di ognuna è segnato il luogo dove è stata "raccolta" la Fiaba.
Quest'opera ci dà la possibilità di riesumare vecchi valori per nulla sgradevoli e meritevoli di analisi.
More, if you are a fan of Italian literature it is certainly an excellent collection to analyze, nice and interesting to read when you want a not engaged reading, fairy tales tend to be few pages.
Quest'opera ci dà la possibilità di riesumare vecchi valori per nulla sgradevoli e meritevoli di analisi.
More, if you are a fan of Italian literature it is certainly an excellent collection to analyze, nice and interesting to read when you want a not engaged reading, fairy tales tend to be few pages.
Inoltre se siete amanti della letteratura italiana è sicuramente un'eccellente raccolta da analizzare, piacevoli e interessanti da leggere quando si ha voglia di una lettura non impegnata, le fiabe sono tendenzialmente di poche pagine.
Enjoy the read!
martedì 13 giugno 2017
Bill Bryson The Lost Continent/America perduta
I come from Des Moines. Somebody had to. Sono nato a Des Moines. Capita. |
Hi Guys,
This morning I was drinking coffee when I have heard that the small island of Puerto Rico will become an integral part of the United States of America. I began to imagine the small Caribbean island, the palm trees, the beaches, the small towns ... it will be America.
Then I thought about America, but not of America's great centers, not at New York, Los Angeles, Miami. I thought of the small rural centers, I immediately thought of Des Moines. Yes, Des Moines.
A little center in Iowa. I thought of this town (among other things is the capital of the state), because in this center begins the journey of writer Bill Bryson.
B. Bryson, in my opinion is the right writer to start talking about travel books on this Blog.
Why should you read Bryson?
lunedì 12 giugno 2017
Spoon river, by E.L. Masters
check me: https://www.instagram.com/luca_speziale95/?hl=it |
Hi guys, today I want to tell you about Edgar Lee Masters's work. I read his book "Spoom river anthology" a few months ago.
This book is a collection of poems, more specifically they are epitaphs of tombstones recited by the dead. "The Hill" is the poem that open the book and it makes us understand much about the author's poetic style.
Why read this book?
sabato 10 giugno 2017
La pioggia nel pineto/The rain in the pinewood, by G. D'Annunzio
Hi Guys, today i want to show you one of my favourite poems.
This poem was wrote by Gabriele d'Annunzio, he was a central character in italian artistic life and politics in early twentieth century. The poem is The rain in the pinewood.
(La pioggia nel pineto in italian language)
(La pioggia nel pineto in italian language)
This poem tells about a poet who was alone in a pinewood near the sea with the woman he loved (Ermione), when they were surprised by a summer thunderstorm.
giovedì 8 giugno 2017
Hello Everyone
Hi guys!
This is my personal page, I'm a reader, an Italian reader (... so I'm sorry for my bad English).
If you want to know something about me and my favourite books, you are welcome. What I want to do with this little blog is to give readers all around the world a small place to find new ideas.
Here you can find some interesting books. Leave your comments because I'm curious about your thinking.
Enjoy the reading!
Who I am? Follow me:
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/luca_speziale95/?hl=it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmugglingOfArts/
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/luca_speziale95/?hl=it
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SmugglingOfArts/
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